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Tuesday, 31 July 2012

North Bridge to Ovenden

The northern portal of Old lane tunnel emerged at the north end of Dean Clough Mills

From there is ran by viaduct across the valley to Lee mount Tunnel

Below we see the North Portal pf Lee Bank tunnel with Old lane mill to the left

Yesterday I got into roughly the same position as the photographer above

The reference point being Old lane Mill. As can be seen the area is now totally covered by trees and vegetation

Old Lane Mill 29th July 2012

Old Lane Mill Boiler house, the tunnel north portal was a little to the right

Once again nature has completely taken over, or should I say reclaimed the land 

From Lee Bank tunnel the railway continued north past Ladyship Mills. Ovenden brook can be seen as a waterfall, which was a sluice from Ladyship Mills Dam, at bottom right. The brook was the water supply for all the mills down the valley. 

Ladyship Mills 29th July 2012. Now the Boiler house is a Boxing club. The track bed still clearly visible.

Ovenden station looked almost rurual

But the industry was creeping up the valley.

One hundred and thirty years old, the station buildings are still there.
The station masters house is of course stone but the actual station building is wood with a slate roof

That old wooden platform could tell many tales no doubt. 

My thanks to Malcolm Bull for many of the above older pictures.

My thanks to Robin Lush for the above showing Ovenden station shortly after closure

Sunday, 29 July 2012

North Bridge Station Halifax Pt 2

New map showing stations and the new road layout of Halifax

Below an older map contemporaneous with the building of the line and stations

Here we see the station in the 1930's and 40's and during demolition

Once again many thanks to Malcolm Bull for this excellent set of pictures

North Bridge station Halifax

I shall now revisit the Queensbury lines with some recent photos and as they were

Taken from the same angle over one hundred years later. now North Bridge station is the car park for the supermarket and leisure center

The bridge is still there as is the cobbled ramp leading to it. Still a well used route from lower Booth town to the center.

The steps have gone but the outer retaining wall remains as it was

Now the pillars holding up the Burdock Way Flyover mask the view but the cobbled ramp and bridge can still be seen. How quickly nature takes over and returns the landscape to green

The handrail gives away the eastern access to the old station.

Where once thousands of Halifaxonion feet trudged to and from North Bridge station

Friday, 27 July 2012

Manningham Loco sheds and station

Not a Manningham engine, here Thomas Hardy rests having been serviced at Manningham

Bradford Railways

As said many times before Bradford suffered from not having a through route. 

This meant Bradford had a multitude of sheds and of course engines had to be turned as each station was a terminus

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Keighley Worth Valley Railway BR Standard

British Railways standard class 3 tank 80002

Two of my favorite vantage points

These last three are from a good spot just of Parkwood St

BR Standard 80002 leaves for Oxenhope

Calling at Ingrow West Oakworth Haworth and Oxenhope

Sunday, 22 July 2012