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Wednesday, 20 May 2015

The wartime engines Riddles Austerity 2-8-0 and USA S160 2-8-0

I am told both engines will be on duty next weekend 

and through the spring bank holiday week 

So plenty of opportunity to see them 

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

USA 'Big Jim' S160 No 5820 departs Keighley up the grade effortlessly

Just shows the power of this engine with six coaches
on it makes an effortless departure up the grade to 
Ingrow and on to Oxenhope calling at Oakworth
and Haworth

Superb engine and thank goodness a small number 
at least were preserved here in the UK

USA Army Transportation Corps S160 No 5820 on the Keighley & Worth Valley

5820 runs forwards from its train at Oxenhope
prior to running around

It was good the see both wartime locomotives in 
steam and running for the 1940's event at Haworth
 this weekend past. Lots of color, uniforms nostalgia,
 albeit through the rose colored specs of the past 

Monday, 18 May 2015

British Railways No 90733 2-8-0 heavy goods engine

Here 90733 shortly after major overhaul at Ingrow

A magnificent engine and thankfully
the only one in steam I believe

Yes there a real fire in the hole, looks like the Shovel
might be going in next

Keeping the tea warm though

Not much of a view 

Saturday, 16 May 2015

41241 a couple more of this Ivatt engine

Departing Ingrow bound for Keighley

Departing Keighley on the return journey

A superb engine

Ivatt tank 41241

Hopefully soon to be back in steam as it is under
overhaul as I write this

Quite expensive I believe and it is firebox work
which is of course all copper

It was the first engine on the line when rescued

Don't forget the forties weekend

British Railways standard class 4 tank engine 80002

These were taken during 80002's last season in steam

Hopefully soon as money and personnel become
available it will enter workshops 

A good strong engine and a stalwart of the stock

Remember it's the 1940's weekend at Haworth
and the K&WVR have plenty going on

Lancashire and Yorkshire Railways 0-4-0 dock shunter or 'Pug'

Here in the exhibition hall at Oxenhope is the L&Y
Dock shunter better known as the 'PUG'

Another engine made famous in the modelling world
by Airfix. They can still be got on ebay for a couple 
of quid.

Friday, 15 May 2015

British Railways Austerity No 90733

90733 will be on duty this weekend for the 1940's 
event in Haworth

Teamed with USATC S160 No 5820

Peckett saddle tank No 1370 of 1915

Peckett's built a large number of small shunting engines
for various private users such as docks and in this
case a paper mill

Here 1370 shunts at Bury Bolton St station

A lovely little engine and always 
looked after with great pride

Midland Jinty 0-6-0 shunting a short run tank engine

Made popular for most of us in the Triang electric 
train sets of the 50's

There are still a plethora of them about on ebay

However for many of us they were our introduction
to steam traction even though our tiny replicas were
electrically driven.

This real one was at Bury Bolton St station last autumn

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Officers saloon

Now resident in the exhibition hall at Oxenhope

The drawing below is pretty accurate but I am not
sure it is of the one at Oxenhope.

It was used in the Film The Railway Children 
and played the part of the Old Gentleman's 
saloon hauled by the L&Y dreadnought

West Country Pacific 'City of Wells'

Just after major overhaul, which took
very nearly thirty years, at Oxenhope

Pulling forwards from its train prior to running 
round for the return to Keighley

This coming weekend sees the Haworth 1940's 
weekend and the K&WVR are as always involved
They will be running the two wartime locomotives
USATC S160 5820 and the Riddles Austerity 90733

More details at

Stanier Black Five 45305

In magnificent condition 45305 stands at Oxenhope

Thanks fully a good number of Black fives were 

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Ramsbottom station, how stations used to be

Our preserved railways remind us and teach our 
children 'how things used to be'

Here children experience living history as they
visit Ramsbottom station on the East Lancashire

This is a very real lesson because it is not seen as 
a lesson, it's just fun

We all remember when all stations looked like this 
and of course the fact that there were many of them

Monday, 11 May 2015

Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway 'Dreadnought' LMS No 1300 at Ramsbottom

Last weekend I was over at the East Lancashire
Railway at Ramsbottom and Bury

Here Dreadnought 0-6-0 rests with a goods train

Heading off up to Rawtenstall light engine

And of course of great interest on the platform

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Class fives both Stanier and Riddles along with Wells and the Austerity

Above is Black five 45305 at Oxenhope

Riddles class five 73129 at Bridgenorth

Wells 34092 at Oxenhope

And lastly the Riddles Austerity 90733 

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Derby 4F 43924

The Keighley and Worth Valley Railway are holding
their Railway Children weekend over the bank 
holiday and 43924 will be running in company
with City of Wells.

See details at

West Country Pacific 34092 City of Wells

Resplendent last year just after return to steam

A magnificent engine

It's the Railway Children Weekend on the K&WVR
this weekend so I might well be going along. Wells
will be running along with Derby 4F 43924

Visit them at

A4 60007, Coal tank 7799, 4F 43924 a little added atmosphere

Just me having a play with software

Changing the pictures to sepia adds a little I think

Above the LNWR Coal Tank and below the Derby 
4F as they might have been pictures all those years