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Saturday, 26 September 2020

K&WVR Locomotive Roster for Saturday 26th - Sunday 27th September 2020


Locomotive Roster for Saturday 26th - Sunday 27th September 2020

Visit the 'NEW'

This weekend roster

As seen above 'Ivatt' Class 2MT 2-6-2T 41241 operated the 3 coach vintage train last Saturday with 43924 hauling the standard carriages and Pullman coaches and the vintage train on Sunday. Our ‘Back in Steam’ passenger service continues this week with services between Oxenhope & Keighley alongside the Diesel & Ale service on Saturday. The Diesel & Ale Train is sold out but tickets are still available to pre-book on the steam services, Follow the link below to buy your ticket.

The motive power for this weekend’s services will be as follows:

  • Saturday 26th September
    Steam service - British Railways Standard Class 2MT 2-6-0 78022 (hauling a three coach vintage train)
    Diesel & Ale Service - British Railways Type 1, Class 20 BO - BO Diesel Electric No. D8031 / 20 031
    Diesel & Ale Service - British Railways Type 3, Class 37 CO - CO Diesel Electric No. D6775 / 37 075
  • Sunday 27th September
    Steam service - British Railways Standard Class 2MT 2-6-0 78022 (hauling the last vintage train of the year comprising L&Y, Metropolitan and Southern Railway coaches)

Timetable – ‘Back in Steam’ Timetable

Tickets are still available for the vintage steam services, Saturday 26th September from Keighley and the Sunday 27th September Vintage train from Oxenhope.

Details of our 'Back in Steam' services
Tickets for October steam services now on sale.

Whilst every effort will be made to ensure that the advised motive power is available, the Keighley & Worth Valley Railway reserve the right to change this when operational circumstances so dictate.

Pullman Dining in October
10th & 24th October

Travel and Dine in Style on 10th & 24th October

The KWVR are the proud owners of two 1930 Pullman parlour cars, Ann and Mary the were built at a time when travelling and dining on a train meant travelling in style and opulence. This October take a trip back in time and experience dining from a bygone era.

The Brunch in the morning or Afternoon Tea, both offering an experience of luxury that most of us can only dream about

Find out more & Book your tickets

'The Elf Express', the 2020 KWVR Christmas Experience

Santa is back for the 2020 traditional Yuletide season

A brand new Christmas adventure is coming to the Keighley & Worth Valley Railway.

The Elf Express will run every weekend from the Saturday 28th November to Sunday 20th December AND this year we are running our special Express train on the run up to Christmas, Monday 21st December – Christmas Eve.

Find out more & Book your tickets

We hope you like the new look News@KWVR which, as you can see, gives us a little more flexibility in what we can include.

Thank you for supporting the KWVR.

Friday, 18 September 2020

K&WVR Locomotive Roster for Saturday 19th - Sunday 20th September 2020


Locomotive Roster for Saturday 19th - Sunday 20th September 2020

Welcome to the new 'News@KWVR'

We start this edition with the news that the KWVR has a new look, our all new was launched today. Just like locomotives, websites start to fail and a time comes when patching up is no longer viable.

We reached that point about 12 months ago, so we decided to give up on the old website and give the KWVR a new look with a refreshing new approach and a site more easily navigable than the last.

We hope you like it

Visit the 'NEW'

This weekend roster

Midland Railway 4F was at the head of the Pullman service with 'Ivatt' Class 2MT 2-6-2T 41241 operating the 3 coach vintage train last weekend and our ‘Back in Steam’ passenger service continues this week with services between Oxenhope & Keighley with the same combination of services and locomotives. All tickets are pre-bookable only, follow the link below to buy your ticket.

Once again, this weekend we have the added bonus of two train services on Saturday with our Pullman cars, Ann and Mary serving Brunch in the morning and Afternoon Tea in the afternoon to pre-booked passengers.

The motive power for this weekend’s services will be as follows:

  • Saturday 19th September
    Steam service - Midland Railway 4F 0-6-0 43924 (hauling the Pullman coaches and BR compartment carriages)
    Steam service - British Railways 'Ivatt' Class 2MT 2-6-2T 78022 (hauling a three coach vintage train)
  • Sunday 20th September
    Steam service - Midland Railway 4F 0-6-0 43924 (hauling the vintage train comprising L&Y, Metropolitan and Southern Railway coaches)

Timetable – ‘Back in Steam’ Timetable

Tickets are still available for Saturday 19th September from Oxenhope and Keighley and the Sunday 20th September Vintage train which operates from Oxenhope only.

Details of our 'Back in Steam' services

Whilst every effort will be made to ensure that the advised motive power is available, the Keighley & Worth Valley Railway reserve the right to change this when operational circumstances so dictate.

Diesel & Ale Saturday
26th September

If you love diesel locomotives and ale, this is the perfect event for you. On this day, we will be running a diesel locomotive hauled service throughout the day where we will serve you the finest bottled ales to take with you, as you travel through the Bronte countryside.

Your ticket will allow unlimited travel all day behind two mainline diesels, 20 031 and 37 075, and in your own compartment that is yours for the day.

Find out more & Book your tickets

Travelling in Style 12th & 19th September

The KWVR are the proud owners of two 1930 Pullman parlour cars, from a time when travelling and dining on a train meant travelling in style and opulence. This September take a trip back in time and experience dining from a bygone era.

The Afternoon Tea service is now sold out, but we still have a few places on our morning Brunch trains on both days

Find out more

Civils down at Keighley

If it's true that there's no rest for the wicked, then the Civil Gang must a wicked lot.

The weekend Civils gang made use of the long layovers at Oxenhope to undertake maintenance to Keighley West Crossover. The Thursday gang, acting as the advance party, dug out the ballast around the timbers to save time on the weekend.

Over the weekend we changed four timbers, including the longest one in the crossover which spans all the way under both roads, which was certainly a challenge. We installed new timbers and undertook other heavy maintenance to improve the condition. Another weekend of work remains to change some more timbers, thankfully none quite as long, but a successful weekend all round.

We hope you like the new look News@KWVR which, as you can see, gives us a little more flexibility in what we can include.

Thank you for supporting the KWVR.