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Tuesday, 27 December 2022

Sunday, 25 December 2022

Bradford Exchange Station again

These Fowler tanks were the usual motive power 
between Bradford and Leeds

Now resident at the Lakeside and Haverthwite Railway


Belerophon at the Foxfield


Bradford Exchange station

These LMS tanks were pretty prolific around Bradford



Stanier Black Five 45305


We seem to have a plethoa of Black fibes at the moment

Our own 45212 returned from Schotland and several
Of Ian Riley's came to us for their engineers to work on

A few more of West CountryPacific City if Wells


Hughs Mogul (Crab) at Ramsbottom

Thank goodness 13065 was popreserved.


Blythe Bridge station

The foxfield is a short colliery line 

Well run by a good groupe of Volunteers.


Bellerophon at the Foxfield Railway

Another of the K&WVR

Now at the Foxfield Railway in Staffordshire