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Tuesday, 17 January 2023

Toddington G&WR


Southern Railways Merchant Nay Class 
Peninsular and Oriental Lines

My old company, I spent fifteen years as a sea 
going engineer officer

Once again a lovely mid Glos country station

Memories of time when working class tourism 
was joyfully spent on a motor bike and sidecar

Very welcomming and a good deal to see witha 
very good cafe

Now runs firther north to Broadway

Winchcombe Station


Memories of a mid Glos country station

Well worth a visit 

Just of the M5 to the east of Tewksbury

G&WR at Winchcombe

GWR 2-8-0 4270

Winchcombe station was made famous in the 
Father Brown series of the Priest detective

It is also a lovely stop and have a cup of tea station


Sunday, 15 January 2023

Staniers Lizzie's


In their day the most powerful engines on the West
Coast main line.

The Duchesses superceeded them

Jubilee LMS

The Jubilee's had a faltering start, did not steam
till the extra elemints in the superheater was 
added then they did stearling work and 
thankfully five are preserved

Well done Mr Stanier


9F a very robust and useful engine

An all rounder, the 9F did much freight work but 
was also a great workhorse on weekend holidy
trafic especially on the S&D

Well done Robin Riddles


Tuesday, 3 January 2023

The old railway posters were works of art

Often painted by well known artists

They promised summer fun


Sunday, 1 January 2023