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Monday, 27 June 2011

KWVR The Stations

Keighley station and the beginning of the line with connections to the main line

Keighley, if you watched the film Yanks then this is the station used and the departure scene

BR Standard at Oxenhope

The business end of it all

41241 runs round at Oxenhope

Couples up

Other exhibits at Oxenhope

BR Standard 7800 series, lots of Lancs and Yorks lines in these classes

Dock Tank 0 6 0

Stanier 8F 48431

Bahamas LMS Stanier in superb condition

Bahamas is on display at Oxenhope along with several other locos

80002 at Keighley

80002 simmers at Keighley prior top departure

80002 backs on to it's train

Sunday on the Keighley Worth Valley Railway

41241 at Oxenhope

Sunday saw me at the KWVR. Two tanks were in charge 80002 BR standard and 41241 an Ivat.

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Axe departs Woody Bay

Axe Departs Woody Bay for Paracombe Halt

Axe at Woody Bay

Departure Minhead

Departure Minehead, now you know why they got the longest platform in preservation

Axe runs around

Axe runs around it's train

Axe arrives Woody Bay

Axe arrives at Woody Bay sation from Paracombe Halt 2009

GWR 2 8 0 Running light engine

GWR 2 8 0 running light into Minehead

Typical GWR scenes at Minehead

GWR 9351 on passenger duties

GWR 2 8 0 fas goods engine.

West Country 'Braunton' at Minehead

It takes and age to begin as the fireman takes ages to get the points set to run round. Be patient and you will have a treat. Lovely locomotive restored to perfection. A rebuilt West Country in the environs for which she was built.

Sunday, 19 June 2011


GWR the business end.

Waiting the road

West country at Minehead

LMS Cavalcade

In crimson lake livery they stand simmering looking superb

Holmside 0-4-0

A1 Tornado

Talking of credit, the A1 loco society deserves great amounts for the gargantuan task of building a locomotive from scratch. Tornado is a wonderful achievement and no mean feat when you consider the cost and money that had to be raised to achieve it alone not to mention sourcing the materiel's and manufacturer's capable of making a large steam locomotive

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Black fives

A lovely sight and so reminiscent of my childhood when Jubilees and Black fives would often haul the Devonian betwixt Bradford and Torquay. Here a black five simmers nicely at York

GWR 6619 another view

They were undoubted workhorses and her performance on the YDR is without fault. Certainly worth a visit to see the loco whilst it is there and working 

Friday, 17 June 2011

LMS Livery

The LMS livery was superb. Though I don't remember them in immaculate state I remember the remnants. Now of course in preservation it has been brought back to life. Crimson lake buffed to a high polish is a lovely sight.


I am firstly an LMS man

BR Standards

It was in many ways a criminal act the speed at which steam was run down. Fortunately it did leave a stock of very good quality locos for the preservation world.

Visit to 'Ingrow' on the KWVR

Ingrow station is the first station out of Keighley on the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway.

Aswell as storage for important bits of equipment such as this their 50ton breakdown and track repair crane Ingrow hosts the railways carriage works and museum.

Museum of rail travel

The museum is well worth a visit and for an entry fee of £2.10 adult and £1.50 senior citizen an absolute bargain. Many of the railways exhibition coaches are housed here and can be lokked around inside aswell as out.

At the far end of this building is the actual carriage repair and refurbishment facility. A bullied carriage and a Diesel car were in for work on them.

Several very good displays both visual and audio, as on entering many carriages and breakvans a description of purpose and duties of personal can be heard.

The shop contains much for the railway modeler too not to mention shelf upon shelf of books and magazines at some very good prices.

The main works are at Howarth close to the Bronte Parsonage and Museum. All the heavy locomotive work is done here and often the yard is a haven for the enthusiast

Today there were several locomotives on view though from the safe distance of the picknic and viewing area.

Work being undertaken seems to have been on the Midland 4F 43924 whose tender was being shunted by the diesel.

Fortunately the shed doors being open I got a veiw of the inside and the work underway.

GWR on the WSR

Here at Minehead we see a typical scene from the past.

Backing on and coupling up

Here we see the same Panier tanks having crossed the road and backs down to rejoin it's train.

Minehead and some of my vidios.

Running round it's train GWR Prairie tank at Minehead

Waiting for the road at Minehead. This also gives you an idea of that longest platform in preservation.

Woody bay.

The West Somerset Railway

Of course for the lovers the standard gauge there is no better place in the south west than the West Somerset Railway which boasts the longest platform in restoration which is situated at it's headquarters at Minehead. Many different locomotives can be viewed there, predominantly GWR and Southern.

And here it is, very impressive.

Most of the stock is GW with the survivor of the S&D in the form of the Midland 2-8-0

Here we see Sotherns rebuilt West Country pacific 'Braunton' at Minehead.