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Friday, 17 June 2011

Visit to 'Ingrow' on the KWVR

Ingrow station is the first station out of Keighley on the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway.

Aswell as storage for important bits of equipment such as this their 50ton breakdown and track repair crane Ingrow hosts the railways carriage works and museum.

Museum of rail travel

The museum is well worth a visit and for an entry fee of £2.10 adult and £1.50 senior citizen an absolute bargain. Many of the railways exhibition coaches are housed here and can be lokked around inside aswell as out.

At the far end of this building is the actual carriage repair and refurbishment facility. A bullied carriage and a Diesel car were in for work on them.

Several very good displays both visual and audio, as on entering many carriages and breakvans a description of purpose and duties of personal can be heard.

The shop contains much for the railway modeler too not to mention shelf upon shelf of books and magazines at some very good prices.

The main works are at Howarth close to the Bronte Parsonage and Museum. All the heavy locomotive work is done here and often the yard is a haven for the enthusiast

Today there were several locomotives on view though from the safe distance of the picknic and viewing area.

Work being undertaken seems to have been on the Midland 4F 43924 whose tender was being shunted by the diesel.

Fortunately the shed doors being open I got a veiw of the inside and the work underway.

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