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Monday, 26 October 2015

Worth Valley Loco roster for half term week 26th to 1st Nov

Locomotive Roster for Mid-week and Weekend 17th & 18th October 2015

by news@kwvr
It is School Half Term which means steam trains every day and the return of the Vintage Bus Tours, free to holders of a Day Rover ticket.
The weekday service is in the capable hands of MR 4F 0-6-0 43924. Over the weekend, 43924 will take a well earned rest and WD 2-8-0 90733 will head the steam service on Saturday and Sunday with our Class 101 DMU taking the early morning Saturday service and the relief path all day Sunday.
For the timetables in operation this weekend, please click HERE to visit the main website.
Whilst every effort will made to ensure that the advised motive power is available, the Keighley & Worth Valley Railway reserve the right to change this when operational circumstances so dictate.

Sunday, 11 October 2015

BR Standard class 4 75078 at the K&WVR gala yesterday

Now the engine has been repainted and fully lined 
out it looks magnificent

A great credit to all who have worked on her

The gala is still on today, go along and see for yourself

Friday, 9 October 2015

Keighley and Worth Valley Railway Autumn steam gala

An excellent steam gala, in house engines but in all 
of them in superb condition and order. Do go along
and support the magnificent effort the team at K&WVR
have put in. the gala runs tomorrow and Sunday. There 
is lots to see at all the stations. 

Here BR Standard class 4 75078 quite literally gleaming
 in the sunshine. Now fully repainted and lined out

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Final call for K&WVR Autumn Steam Gala.

2015 Autumn Steam Spectacular – Final Call

by news@kwvr
It is only now 1 day away from this year's Autumn Steam Spectacular with 3 days of steam action from the home fleet consisting of
• BR Standard 4MT 75078 now fully lined out in Haworth Locomotive Depot in BR liverySeen here in Haworth Shed yesterday
• WD 2-8-0 90733 - weathered and re-numbered 90711, a Bradford, Low Moor shed locomotive that hauled demolition trains on the Queensbury lines.Below in a similar condition in 2013
• Midland 4F 0-6-0 43924
• USATC S160 2-8-0 "Big Jim" No.5820
• LNWR 0-6-2 'Coal Tank' 1054 – (Courtesy of Bahamas Loco Society)
In addition
• Hudswell Clarke 0-6-0T 1704 Nunlow will be in steam at Ingrow offering a combination of Brake Van rides and shunting demonstrations on Saturday & Sunday– (Courtesy of Bahamas Loco Society)
• Taff Vale Railway O2 0-6-2T 85 after overhaul will be in light steam in Haworth yard
• Grafton Steam Crane will be in steam and operating in Oakworth Yard on Saturday
Whilst every effort will made to ensure that the advised motive power is available, the Keighley & Worth Valley Railway reserve the right to change this when operational circumstances so dictate.

Train Services:

The Railway will run intensively from 0830 most days into the early evening. Stations are gaslit during the evenings and give a night-time glow as your train rolls in.
The public passenger timetable is now available on the website, but for the enthusiast who likes details of all movements on the day, passenger, goods and light engine movements, the Working Timetable can be downloaded HERE now.>>>>

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Kidderminster Town station Severn Valley Railway

Kidderminster is the youngest of the SVR stations.

After Kidderminster goods yard became disused in 
1982, the SVR purchased the line to the east of Foley
 Park. Sharing the British Rail station of Kidderminster 
was impractical, so SVR claimed a site to the 
west of the BR station.

Kidderminster Town lies only a few yards from 
Kidderminster station on the National Rail network.
 The name "Kidderminster Town" was chosen because 
GWR custom, where there were two stations in a 
town, was to give the "Town" designation to the 
closer one to the town centre, a measure by which
 Kidderminster Town just manages to beat its NR
 counterpart by around 50 metres (150 feet).

When the station building was constructed insufficient 
funds meant only two wings of the basic building could
 be completed. Many of the typical Victorian GWR station
 fixtures and fittings also had to be omitted. The station
 design was based on a turn of the century GWR design 
for Ross-on-Wye station.

Since then a number of these missing features have
 been constructed and erected by volunteers including 
a cantilevered canopy in the 1880s Port Cochere style
 at the front of the building and the replica ornamental 
crestings adorning the two towers.

The original iron crestings of this style are thought to 
have been cast by Macfarlane & Coat the Saracen Foundry,
PossilparkGlasgow. At the architect's request the replicas
 have been cast in aluminium to reduce the deadweight 
on the tower structures. To prevent corrosion due to 
electrolytic action all fixings to the roof structure have
 been electrically isolated from the aluminium castings
 with plastic washers

In common with other SVR stations Kidderminster Town 
is comprehensively signalled. Recent work has seen
 completion of the work to link Network Rail (NR) signalling
 system to that of the SVR to allow passage of passenger
 carrying trains directly from NR to the SVR. Previously
 passenger carrying trains could only pass from SVR 
metals to that of NR.

In 2000, the carriage shed was constructed within the site. A fifth of a mile long, it is the UK's largest on a heritage railway with a capacity of circa 56 bogie vehicles.
In the Spring of 2012, it was a filming location of the fantasy adventure movie Mariah Mundi and the Midas Box, which was scheduled for release in 2013.

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

K&WVR 2015 Autumn Steam Spectacular

2015 Autumn Steam Spectacular

by news@kwvr
With only a few days to go to the 2015 Autumn Steam Spectacular, the latest update is now on the KWVR website including loco news, photo charter information, working timetables, fares and the rules and regulations regarding lineside photography.
Of particular interest to photographers will be the photo charters and full details are now available. As places are limited early booking is advised. As there will now be no visiting locomotive, prices have been reduced making the 3 days a steam action better value than ever.
We cannot over emphasise the incredible difficulties that our hard working volunteer organisers have faced this year, but despite this they are still smiling and looking forward to welcoming everybody to what should still be a spectacular gala. We hope that attendances across the 3 days will be just reward for their endeavours.

Monday, 5 October 2015

National Railway Museum York

I know I am partisan but I think we must have the 
best railway museum in the world

The main hall yesterday afternoon

Bullied Battle of Britain class 'Winston Churchill'
and Furness railways's copper-nob

If your in the North of England then go along and
see for yourself

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help make this blog 

'Rocket' sectioned by comparison.

Mr Stephenson's  Rocket laid down the principles
for steam locomotive design

Quite soon the Cylinder was laid horizontal 

And so the principle was born

The work of sectioning is superbly done

'1829' With luck and good health I shall see the 
bi centenary

Southern railway 'Ellerman Lines' at the National Railway Museum

Had a drive along to the National Railway museum

It was quiet for a change

Good opportunity to get some detailed pictures

Here Merchant Navy Class Ellerman Lines.

Now sectioned for all to see the internal workings
of a large steam locomotive.

Of course being an ex merchant nave engineer the 
class of Merchant Navy pacific's by Mr Bullied are
of particular interest

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Wartime memories on the railways

A not so rosy time, remembered as it should be

Just as it would have looked back in the 1940's

A country station. Embsay.

Embsay now sits well in that category. 

The scenes are evocative of a time past. One we
tend to view through rosy spectacles but their's
nowt wrong with that

The Hunslet Tank engine Norman ready to depart
for Bolton Abbey

And off we go, a trip into the past