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Saturday, 29 November 2014

78022 Darlington built

Ex BR standard 2-6-0 2MT locomotive 78022, built at Darlington Works in 1954 to a BR standard design by Robert Riddles, was photographed in the display at Oxenhope.
The design was derived from the Ivatt-designed LMS Class 2MT 2-6-0, with a reduced cab to enable it to fit into a universal loading gauge, and other standard fittings, most notably a taller chimney, others including the lack of an Ivatt dome and side plates connecting the two sections of the engine. Like the LMS predecessor the BR design had a tender cab to enhance crew protection and visibility when running tender-first. They were all attached to a BR3 type tender.
These locomotives are often known by the nickname "Mickey Mouse".
Darlington works was responsible for building the entire fleet of 65 engines and for a time construction of the LMS and BR designs overlapped. The last No.78064 was completed in 1956 but the class remained intact for just seven years. Coincidentally the first to be withdrawn No.78015 was a Darlington-based engine.
Like the LMS counterpart, the Standard Mogul was arranged for a low axle-loading of just 13.75 long tons (13.97 t). This allowed it to operate on most lightly laid routes and secondary lines. Some of the class had speedometers fitted.
Among crews the 2MT 2-6-0 gained a reputation for being very sure-footed. Some maintained however that the engine did not steam well. The loudest complaint was about the draughty and dirty footplate. This was surprising given the efforts of Robert Riddles and his team to optimise working conditions in the Standards' cab layout.

Many thanks to Wikipedia for some of the above notes

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