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Saturday, 29 November 2014

A spam can in all it's glory. Bullied light pacific 'Wells' 34092

Some unpublished shots of 'Wells' 34092
Built in March 1949, No. 34092 was a member of the final batch of 20 West Country Class locomotives ordered. It was based at Stewarts Lane (73A) until it was moved to Salisbury (72B). While at Stewarts Lane, it was named 'Wells' by the mayor of Wells on 25 November 1949 (changed to 'City of Wells', unique amongst the rest of its class which were named only after the town, city or region, in March 1950). No. 34092 was often called upon to haul the Golden Arrow service and was further chosen to haul special trains for the visit of Bulganin and Kruschev, and King Faisal II of Iraq.

Having covered 502,864 miles (809,281 km), No. 34092 was sent to Woodham's scrapyard. However, in 1971, it was bought by the KWVR and, after overhaul, was used throughout the 1980s both on the branch and on mainline excursions. A Giesl ejector was fitted in 1985. No. 34092 returned to service in August 2014 following an extensive overhaul.
The loco is also planned to return to traffic on the mainline when funding is available to purchase the equipment needed for use on Network Rail

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