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Wednesday, 27 January 2016

The Dudley Hill station story ending

Once again for your convenience I include the view
of the line from above. Crofts Engineers Dawson
lane works dominates the centre top. The Low 
Moor line can be seen in the cutting bottom right
where it entered a short tunnel to pass under the
Great Northern Leeds to Ardsley line. We can 
all to easily forget how the local railways scene 
was dominated by the Great Northern Railway
who were determined to gain footholds in the 
Lancashire & Yorkshire territory now under the 
influence of the Midland and LNWR soon to be
the LMS

The large shed like building which can be seen in
the picture below, centre left, can be seen bottom 
right corner of the aerial view above. In my days
working at Crofts it was a bicycle shop

The view above is take from the Great Northern 
line looking towards Dudley Hill station. The steel
over bridge at the top of the picture carries Dawson 
lane over the railway. To my back would be seen 
Crofts Dawson lane works and the line to Ardsley
and further on to Wakefield. The small bridge on
the right of the picture carried Tong St across the
Low Moor line whose short tunnel parapet can be
seen centre right 

Above picture taken from the Tong St bridge facing
Knowles lane bridge and shows the good branch now
unused and disconnected on the centre left

Here the cutting is now being infilled in the 1970's
The steel bridge being Dawson lane. How short a
 life these very costly civil engineering projects
lasted is testimony to the railway mania of the time.

Above the last views of what little remains of  a
once busy station, goods depot and junction. 
Dudley Hill station bereft of all buildings 
showing the view towards Knowles Lane

Below the end of the Low Moor line

How quickly we cast aside that which we have no further use of only to find that we needed it after all

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