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Friday, 31 October 2014

A few more from a while ago of Ivatt Tank 41241

I have come across them whilst searching for some
old ones of the WSR. As 41241 geberated a good
deal of interest from some of you, here that are 
Now in major Overhaul

41241 has the power for the line and of course was
one of the first locomotives on the KWVR

West Somerset Railway 2010/2011

The 3850 looked very good in black that year
Number 5553 below was the last steam engine to leave
Woodham Brothers scrapyard in Barry, Vale of
Glamorgan, South Wales, in January 1990.

 I believe 5553 is now at the Crewe heritage centre
for overhaul.

They were an extended version of the 45XXclass
with larger side tanks increasing their water capacity

West Somerset Railway ten years ago

They call them small Prairies but it has six on.
Plenty of pulling power there
Closer view of 5542

7828 'Odney Manor' under overhaul

I think it is rated the longest platform
in preservation
Minehead station

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Standard 4MT 2-6-4T No. 80136 at Minehead ten years ago

Standard 4MT 2-6-4T No. 80136 at Minehead
 I believe it was later used for Engineman's Course,
in late 2004.

It looked quite splendid though a little out of place
on such a GWR line

The Standard class 4 tanks built at Brighton have
been the mainstay of many preserved lines

Being relatively young engines they should be
with us for some time to come

Undoubtedly one of BR's very successful designs
The engine is presently undergoing heavy overhaul
at the Crew. It has been there for some time so we
 can but hope it will soon be back in steam

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

A few old ones from the West Somerset at Minehead

They were taken about ten years ago
on my old 35mm and just got them
scanned in 
 Class 2-6-2T "small prairie" tank engine
 which was built in 1928

5542 is now back in service after a major ten year
boiler overhaul. Needless to say this was taken ten
years ago so was long before that

Mogul 9351 the locomotive that never was. Rebuilt
from a large prairie here we see the work nearing
completion ten years ago at Minehead

Large Prairie 5224

7828 Odney Manor is a Great Western Railway locomotive
part of the Manor Class. It is one of 9 locomotives preserved
from the class which originally had 30.

Hughes Crab for the LMS No 13065

On platform 4 to take water
The detail of the cab and backplate controls

These were a few weeks before the
Steam Gala

The bunting made it a very evocative scene

Matches the station to a tee and just as it would
have been in LMS days

The Crab 13065

The Crab is now in superb form, though the driver
said it was the wrong red. He thought it should be
black but I like it in crimson lake as it is
Bury Bolton St station was the location

The autumn stem gala the event

So much better than the other one which is static
at the NRM

I got some pictures up at Ramsbottom and from the
front its obvious why they called them crabs

Needless to say it gleams

Monday, 27 October 2014

Howarth yard Keighley Worth Valley Railway

A very well photographed yard I know
Below the scene is timeless. Midland Derby 4F
simmers in the winter day

The new engine shed gives it away of course.

LMS Jubilee 'Bahamas' before she left us

Now undergoing a very major overhaul
Just a few I got before she went on her travels

This should give us four Jubiliee's when Bahamas is

Again for the modeller the valve gear.

Keighley Worth Valley Railway, great weekend again

Just doing a little plugging for the
KWVR. Once again there was lots
going on with the beer festival this
weekend. Lots of engines and stock
Some older pictures

Some of the engines now in workshops

41241 undergoing very heavy overhaul

80002 now on display at Oxenhope

78022 now in workshops. I could just see it down the
far end of Howarth shop

A bit more detail for the modelers

Be grand to see it back in steam

That's a better one of the Running and valve gear

Darlington built

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Keighley Worth Valley Railway

City of Wells 34092 and S160 5820
They were quite a sight coupled

Having collected its train 5820 backs out of the
carriage sidings.

Wells simmers waiting her turn.


Saturday, 25 October 2014

'WELLS' Looking magnificent

Having parted company with 'Big Jim'
'Wells' runs into the spare shed road to let 'Big Jim'
collect its train

A very BIG 'Big Jim'

Howarth Yard yesterday morning

City of Wells or should we simply call it 'WELLS'
Moves of to cross over and couple up to the S160

'Big Jim' USATC S160 alongside the Type 37