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Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Lancashier & Yorkshire 0-6-0 class 25

Now on display at Oxenhope and awaiting overhaul
bereft of the backplate fittings possibly for security
The class 25's preceded Aspinalls design being built
by his predecessor William Barton Wright. Some
280 were built of which 230 were converted to
saddle tanks by Aspinall. 957 being one of 23 of
the original design to pass into British railways
 hands in 1948.
There is a significant difference in tractive effort
between the class 25 of Barton Wright and the class
27 of Aspinall of some 3585 pound foot, being
achieved by a slight increase of cylinder from
17.5 to 18 inches and a boiler press rise from
140 psi to 180psi

The class 25 copes well and usually runs with the
vintage carriage set

However I have to admit the addition of that extra
3585 lbf to the class 27 makes a world of difference
Probably the reason Aspinall chose to convert most
of the class to saddle tanks but thankfully not all.

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