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Friday, 27 February 2015

Great Northern Railway, Strines cutting to North Bridge station

Here a Diesel with the track lifted
from Queensbury tunnel exits on
its way down to Halifax
The first station out of the tunnel was Holmfield
the mill in the background is Holmfield mills and
can still be seen today as a marker to the station

The onto Ovenden which was a small station and
Almost always the destination for my mother and

The station building can still e seen at Ovenden.
Instead fo going down Lee Bank into Halifax
turn down Old Lane

Then Lee Bank tunnel, a short tunnel beneath the
outcrop. Below is the exit facing Halifax

Here the entrance to Lee Bank Tunnel facing north
The mill on the left is sometimes referred to as Old
Lane mills but the OS maps call it Lee Bank mills

The railway then crossed the valley to Old Lane
Tunnel from where it went into Halifax North
Bridge station

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