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Saturday, 13 December 2014

A couple of lovely paintings by Malcolm Root

This one is so redolent of the happy days of childhood
summers and the trips to the seaside. The little boy
and girl dressed in their best just as we were
The magnificence of steam was all about us

Very happy days indeed though mucky and sweaty
for the crews who worked them.
Maybe that's what they mean by rose coloured specs
There seems to be some question over the artist.
A reader had messaged me to say he believes they
are the work of Mr Malcolm Root. However they
do not seem to come up on a search of Roots work
but do on a search of Foggs work. Any further help
will be gratefully accepted and duly attributed to
the correct artist.
I have received evidence which though unseen I do
believe will prove the top painting to be the work of
 Malcolm Root. My greatest thanks to Roland for his
untiring work in sorting this matter. As Roland says
it is a mystery why much of Malcolm Roots work is
attributed to Howard Fogg.


  1. Dear Friend,

    I chanced across your reference to the two paintings evoking memories of Seaside Holidays. The two paintings are I believe by Mr Malcolm Root. The one you refer to is titled 'Seaside Excursion' and was published I think in 1995. Why so much of Malcolm's work is wrongly attributed to Howard Fogg on the internet is a mystery, but here in the UK at least I think we ought to rectify matters.

    With best wishes and hoping I'm not spoiling your enjoyment of these two memorable works.

  2. Hi Roland and thanks for your comment. I still have difficulty as a google search does not show them on Malcolm Roots works but does show them on a similar search of Howard Fogg's work. There is a picture of Malcolm Roots entitled 'Summer Excursion' but it is of a Bedford OB coach doubtless on it's way to the seaside and can be found at

    The Howard Fogg entries can be found at

    Any further help will be appreciated as it is important to attribute the works correctly

  3. Please refer to the book by Mac Hawkins titled 'The Railway Paintings of Malcolm Root'. The 'Seaside Excursion' features on pages 94 and 95.

  4. I think I am simply going to have to bow to your greater knowledge on this matter Roland. I do not have the book nor access to it but your evidence seems to be sound without my viewing it and so will change the attribution and record my thanks to you.

  5. Many thanks for your kind words and the action taken. I think we owe it to Malcolm. Could you please check your email address, I cannot get through on as shown above.

  6. Thank you Roland. I am always happy to learn when for whatever reasons I have entered wrong information and I quite agree we do owe it to Malcolm to recognise his superb work. My email is as shown or failing that
