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Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Erlestoke Manor at Kidderminster

 Built at Swindon in January 1939.
Erlestoke Manor along with eight of its fellow
Manor class were saved from scrap and are
preserved to this day. Erlestoke Manor completed
its major overhaul at the Severn Valley Railway 
and ran for the first time on 12 February 2008.

7812 has in recent years visited a wide selection
of heritage railways across the UK

A regular in operation on the SVR and its boiler ticket
is due to expire in 2018.

7812 Erlestroke Manor is one of three Manors at the
 Severn Valley Railway, the other two being 7802
Bradley Manor and GWR 7819 Hinton Manor.
Many thanks Wikipedia for the notes
Pictures are my own

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